Slimming with Body Tune

When we look at the past from today's life, it is impossible not to be surprised when we consider how much has changed. Technology is developing at an incredible speed, this speed has both positive and negative effects on people. Benefiting from the advantages of technology is undoubtedly both inevitable and becomes a great blessing in terms of raising people's living standards. With this rapid progress, people are less tired now, even the most unsolvable things in the past have been reduced to a few minutes or even seconds, now we are more beautiful, more comfortable, more relaxed. For example, we are left with the time allocated to work by delegating the work we need to do to machines and systems. Cold lipolysis is the newest and most effective system offered by technology in obesity. The basic idea on which this cold lipolysis method is based on weight loss; It is the crystallization of the fat layer and removal from the body by first heating the regional fats in the body and then cooling them. The cold lipolysis method is never a surgical method, it allows the person to get rid of the fat in the desired area in a painless and side-effect-free way. Young, old, overweight, underweight, but anyone with fat can benefit from the cold lipolysis method. Cellulite is a localized aesthetic skin problem that causes a pitted bumpy orange peel-like appearance on the skin surface and usually affects the hips, thighs and abdomen. Cellulite, which is a problem experienced by almost 80% of women, has many different causes such as genetic, hormonal or sedentary life. There are three components that we need to deal with for cellulite, which has many different treatment options; increase collagen density, reduce fat and strengthen blood circulation. Today, with the development of technological devices, cellulite, which is the fearful dream of women, has now become a treatable problem. Laser cellulite treatment and regional thinning and tightening is a completely non-invasive application.


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